Suffering from sinus
I have sinus from past four years. There are bulges due to mucus on my forehead as well as in middle of my head. Allopathic doctor prescribed me the medicines (salt- montelukast), but no betterment was observed. So is it curable by homeopath? How much time will it take me to get cured by homeopath?
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Hello , please go the reply  here as Dr.A.K.Mandal on 6th August as homoeopath ,from where my  name has been deleted  due to change of Photo. However along with earlier reply I want to mention here that I  should not discuss so many causes for medical hazards  but  I should suggest you that you should go through a proper homoeopathic characterized case recording system which will help for treatment and find out the basic causes. You may contact for ONLINE treatment through Practo location dumdum Kolkata.
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If your problems have not yet been solved you may contact Dr. A. K. Mandal through Practo location dumdum Kolkata for your characterized treatment in homoeopathy
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Sinus can be very well treated with Homeopathy permanently, it may take six month to one year for permanent cure, time also depends o. How severe it is, you can consult us online, after consultation we will send medicine at your given address, you can detail discuss in whats app - eight six zero two double zero five triple zero. Feel free if you have any query.
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It can be cured permanently by homoeopathy. Duration of treatment and time for cure will depend upon full case study
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ADV :-R49(Germany) dosage -15drops some watet with 3 hours daliy. One years. Remarks: Additional use R1,R45.
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With due regards to you sinus are inflammation which is due to some of allergies problems I advices to go for comprehensive allergy panel and CT pns ACC to reports one can decide whether it's curable or just reversable. Duration of course of medicines depend upon reports as symptoms can improve in few days only but to change pathology you need investigation
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This question featured in :

Sinuses bleeding every morning Allergy and sinus medicine Heaviness in head sinus
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