I am suffreing with stomach problem, Having stomach bloating, excess gas, apattite problem and check with gastrontologist and he tested for H PYLORI. and it is positive and he also told me that there is possibilities of small intestain bactiria overgrowth(SIBO). I took medicine for one week and found changes but after stopping medicine again I am facing the same problem. With that I also have
vitamin D and
B12 deificinacy and undergone twice nasal DNS surgery. Have nasal congestion.Not able to concentrate on studies. Finding very difficulties to study. I cosulted ayurvedic doctor and he prescibed sootshakarrasa and bringarajarasa, after taking this medicine I found improments in stomach. But for sinus still facing lot of problems. I am taking kanchanara guggulu for sinus and facial massage using gingelly oil. Please help me. Will I get improments after long treatment after continuing medicine for perticular period,(instead of wasting my time). Please help me.