Skin rashes
Hello sir my son 2years old now. Since last one week he have skin rash behind knee and rash on upper lip only no rash appear on entire body except knees and lips no other symptoms he is completely healthy. Rash size increase slightly our pediatrics prescribed hicope syrup for 3 days pls what the problem to baby skin pls prescribe cream
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Don't worry..he is suffering from allergic dermatitis causing this rashes. Specific medicine available for good control... Treatment depends on the severity..Do direct online consultation for detailed prescription
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Specific Medicines are available for good control.... Do direct consultation for detailed prescription.... For more details whatsApp me on 08800646 77 four
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No need to worry.specific treatment is depends on severity of the disease . Complete medical history is required.. Pls do online consultation with Dermatologist for detailed prescription & guidance.
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Please take consultation for detailed examination and treatment
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Hello mam, is that skin rash itch?? It can be managed kindly consult with dermatologist.
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Specific medication is there for treatment of your skin condition.. Plz do direct online consultation for proper treatment and guidance.
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