I am diagnosed for pcos in June 2015..I have very scanty menses for 1-1.5 day only and mild hairs on face,chest,abdomen and lower back.... Because of these hairs I feel very ugly and depressed... I feel rejected and think It affect my married life.. I will got married soon.. I m very depress and anxious because of these body hairs.....previously I use to apply Thuja and Oleum jec mother tincture it reduces my facial hairs a bit....but now I m taking homoeopathic treatment since 20 days...plz help me and suggest something for body hairs and I want to know can homoeopathic treatment reduce body hairs. Can I apply Thuja and Oleum jecoris mother tincture with homoeopathic treatment or external application hinder homoeopathic action of medicine. Plz help me I need ur help......plz guide me
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Being a Sr. Homoeopath in Kolkata, I should not make any suggestion to you without full homoeopathic classical case recording for making proper selection of remedies. Therefore if you feel free, may contact Dr. Amal Krishna Mandal , Dumdum through Google search or website askhomoeo.com to get phone no and to take appointment even on line treatment.
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Pcos is hormonal disorder in which multiple cystic follicle develop resulted into elevated androgen leads to hirsuitism, raised FSHLH ratio leads to an ovulation and multiple cysts. Since hypothalamus pituitary ovarian axis is highly affected by emotion or stress. So constitutional remedy is required to treat it. Once u r cured internally I. e. hormonally then hirsuitism and scanty Menes will be normal. So better to take internal homeopathic constitutional remedy than external medication. Obesity is also cause of hormonal imbalance as it leads to decrease receptivity of hormones. So try to reduce weight. Phytoline MT 10drops twice a day along with constitutional remedy helps in reducing weight .So don't loose heart have patience.
Homoeopathic treatment is very effective in treatment of pcod and pcos with the progress of treatment hair growth on your body will reduce gradually and u need not apply any thuja or oleum jec mother tinctures as they might interfere with the homoeopathic treatment of pcod continue with the treatment and simultaneously make changes to your diet also eat foods rich in vitamin e ,folic acid and omega 3 that will help u in curing your pcod in less time ,don't be depressed or sad u will be fine with the treatment
Next Steps
continue the treatment as suggested by the doctor ,do exercises daily and eat a well balanced diet
Health Tips
avoid eating junk food , follow a healthy lifestyle don't get stressed for health issues meditate , follow a routine on daily basis
Begin with Homoeopathic medicine Cal carb 1M.
3 powders - 3 months. Eat powder at night before going to bed. Take 1 powder and keep on tongue and swallow the powder. Take 1 powder each month for 3 months.
Wait and watch.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is curable with the Homeopathic mode of treatment.Homeopathic treatment for polycystic ovarian syndrome is very safe and free from any side effect.Which Homeopathic medicine is required to extract the disease from its roots varies from case to case. Both the physical and mental spheres of the patient are thoroughly investigated while prescribing the Homeopathic medicine. The complete cure of PCOS is a time-consuming process and it cannot be expected in a few days. It requires complete observation regarding the change of symptoms in the patient and frequent clinical follow-ups.
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don't apply any external applications total cure will be achieved by homeopathic internal medicine only. external applications can interfere with the outcome of treatment hence advice u to keep patience and follow instructions given by homeopath.
Health Tips
if your weight is overweight plz take measures to loose some kgs, eat healthy and exercise regularly
PCOS can be treated with Homoeopathy successfully. So it is good to continue with Homoeopathic treatment. It will take sometime so have patience and don't loose hope. There is nothing to get depressed as all of us are having some or the other defects in our body. Rest time will also prove that your partner is bothered about you and not your body.
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Donot apply anything for hair removal. Nothing will help permanently except for the internal homoeopathic medicines. Hair growth is because of excessive androgens in the body due to PCOS. So external removal is of negligible help.
Health Tips
Just feel good about yourself. That is the best thing you can do for yourself. Happy people with smile on her face is attractive rather than other things.
So keep smiling....
Hello, PCOD or Pcos is a deep rooted problem, , the abnormal hair growth is because of hormonal imbalance in your body. Applying thuja or other external application will not solve the problem as it acts superficially and the root cause for the problem has to be addressed. Homeopathy offers safe and effective results for PCOD and PCOS. A change in your diet has to done . If you need more details feel free to contact me.
Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
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