Left side body pain from head to toe
My whole left side body pains from head to toe from last 3 years.. right from beck to shoulder, to arm joints in left hand fingers to lower back to hip to leg and foot. Pain is worst at shoulder joints at back and lower back. Only on left side of body. I have taken many medicines by suggested by Orthopaedic doctors. After two years they said take any medicines it's because of heredity. So stopes taking medicines.. again now I'm suffering with worst pain.. please help me out with the disease..some days the pain is worst and some days little. Please suggest which doctor I should visit and what kind of diseases is this. I'm very worried .. please give some helpful comments asap. Thanks!
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there could be a problem at the Muscular level.
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try myotherapy or accupuncture
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Head pain due to acidity Muscle pain all over body Symptoms of body pain
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