Forgetting things,anxious
Since two or three days i am feeling very anxious and i am forgetting things, i have habit of forgetting things but it has improved a lot but now it is popping up again and i feel anxiety i dont know why... i dont want to take medicines i want therapist
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Hi dear. It is a good decision to not take medicines but rather counselling and therapy. This forgetfulness often happens with most people that when they have too many responsibilities , or any major aspect of their life is not peaceful ,(like work place turmoil, relationship turmoil etc). This is because most of your concentration and energy goes into trying to fix the area of imbalance. You may have noticed that when ever you are anxious, your heart rate goes up and your breathing becomes short and shallow, the opposite of these signs ,that is slow and steady heart rate and calm long deep breaths will ease your mind. So as soon as you are anxious, just take long deep breaths and focus on the solution of the problem that is making you anxious or nervous. Always keep a plan B handy. As for your forgetting issue, it mostly happens due to lack of concentration. When you are doing an action, say it to yourself ,in your mind ,for example if you are keeping your keys on the table , say it in your mind " I'm keeping the keys on the table." If you are forgetting people and names that you know since a long time , or forgetting the ways to places you often visit, then it may be sign of something serious and you must see a specialist. All the best.
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Feeling anxious and nauseous
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