Baby in breech position
I am 30 weeks pregnant.Baby is in breech position.Will C-section for breech baby be more complicated or its like normal C-sections.What precautions I need to take for breech baby.Are breech babies born healthy & fine, if he still remains breech at the time of delievery
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Hello, There are chances of having spontaneous reversion to cephalic since it is only 30 weeks of pregnancy. Anamolies may be required to rule out for a breech baby. Have regular check ups and follow ups with your doctor. Wishing you a successful pregnancy!
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Delivery generally takes place after 37 weeks of Gestation..hence you have atleast 7 weeks to chances of baby changing its position are still there.. considering your obstetrician must have gone through proper anomaly scan, your baby will be as healthy as non breech baby..N about the difficulty of C-Section, Your obstetrician will worry about it, You just trust him..n take care of yourself n your baby
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Chances of spontaneous reversion to cephalic are there as it is only 30 weeks. Even during 9 the month if baby is in breech, to go for LSCS. Anamolies have to be ruled out for a breech baby. Extra care to be taken from consultant side during surgery. As such no precautions from mother side other than regular and timed follow up. All the best.
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