Anal fissure
Suffering from anal fissure since 3 yrs after defeacation or motion my eyes get swelled up nd i feel weak nd sleepy...plz tell me why my eyes are welling when i get constipated and after motion also i feel weak...i also have cough problem mans i m always having cough problems..even i can always spit cough anytym of d day plzz tell me am i prone to aasthma or something i m really worried
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Hi,  An anal fissure usually heals on its own within four to six weeks. If it doesn't, medical treatment or surgery usually can relieve discomfort. Several lifestyle changes may help relieve discomfort and promote healing of an anal fissure, as well as prevent recurrences: Add fiber to your diet. Eating about 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day can help keep stools soft and improve fissure healing. Fiber-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. You also can take a fiber supplement. Adding fiber may cause gas and bloating, so increase your intake gradually. Drink adequate fluids. Fluids help prevent constipation. Exercise regularly. Engage in 30 minutes or more of moderate physical activity, such as walking, most days of the week. Exercise promotes regular bowel movements and increases blood flow to all parts of your body, which may promote healing of an anal fissure. Avoid straining during bowel movements. Straining creates pressure, which can open a healing tear or cause a new tear....
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