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25 Ophthalmologists available in Chennai

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Dr. Diana J

19 years experience overall
250 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Radhi Malar

22 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Uma Ramesh

36 years experience overall

Dr. B Malini

27 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Balasubramanian

17 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Srikanth R

19 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Atheeshwar Das

22 years experience overall

Dr. E Ravindra Mohan

36 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Mohan Raj K

53 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. P. Kumaravel

48 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic


Best Ophthalmologists In Chennai

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Ophthalmologist in Chennai

An ophthalmologist is a specialist in treatment of vision disorders and eye care. An ophthalmologist can perform diagnoses and treatment for all eye related disorders such as glaucoma, issues related with vision, loss of vision, eye pain, any physical changes in the eye, fixing of contact lenses, and eyeglasses. Many trained ophthalmologists also perform scientific research and try to find out solutions to several eye and vision disorders. 

Why should you regularly see an ophthalmologist?

Eyes are one of the most sensitive and important organs of the body. The issues related with eyes can adversely affect the normal life of an individual. An adult should immediately see an ophthalmologist if any symptom of decreased vision or loss in vision is evident, in case of watery or blurry eyes, double vision, or any physical changes in eyes such as pain, infection, redness, and swelling or discharge occurs.

What are the types of specialization?

The sub disciplines of ophthalmology are glaucoma, cornea and external diseases, neuro-ophthalmology, ophthalmic disorders, eye surgery, ophthalmic pathology, ophthalmic plastic surgery, paediatric ophthalmology, and vitreoretinal diseases.

How much do Ophthalmologists in Chennai charge?

The consultation fee of an ophthalmologist in Chennai can vary from Rs. 300/-to Rs.1200/- depending on the expertise and the type of consultation needed. The charges of surgery and medication depend on the kind of treatment required. 

Top 5 treatments at an Ophthalmologist:

Presented below are top 5 treatments.

Glaucoma: Glaucoma caused due to excess pressure in the eyes (ocular hypertension) is a common disorder in the elderly and can cause permanent damage to the optic nerve which transmits information to the brain. 

Cataract: It is a disease in which the eye lens becomes cloudy due to deposition of proteins. This causes an obstruction in the vision, double vision, and blurry vision.

Retinal diseases: These disorders include the problems in retina, the most critical part of the eye responsible for vision. Retinal diseases include retinal tear, detachment of retina, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and macular hole. 

Paediatric Eye Conditions: These eye conditions emerge in the childhood and include common paediatric issues such as astigmatism, childhood tearing, amblyopia or lazy eyes, developmental abnormalities, and cortical visual impairment.   These are treated by the eye specialists.

Corneal diseases: Cornea is important in focusing of light during vision. Corneal disorders are characterized by cloudiness, scarring and may cause blindness. Certain corneal diseases are keratoconus and Fuchs` endothelial dystrophy. 

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