Child Health Issues


Suffering from cough

My son last 10 days suffering from cough.. treatment started from 1week in the hospital. X-ray report attached.plz check report and suggest best treatment for my baby
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Baby not passing urinr

Hi, My baby is 3 months old. She passed urine at 7 pm today and after that she didn't pass urine or motion. It's been 6 hours already. I feed her for 20 mins now. She took feed. What to do?
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Regarding ciplox drop

My baby is 3months old had ear infection, so consult doctor regarding same , doctor prescribed ciplox drops , is it is safe to use these for 3months old baby, does it have any side effects
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About dark circles

My baby girl  is one ND half year old she is having mild dark circles ?what is the reason behind that?once a while she watches tv in a day tat to for 10 to 15 mins ?is that dark circles because of that screen time?
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Lower back pain

My 8 year old son is complaining of lower right back pain like tingling shocks or mild pain  when he runs or after some outdoor games .what can be the reason for it.his weight is 24 kg and water intake is also less so should I go for some investigations or how and what should be done next and is this a common in kids.does school bag causing this or any scan has to be done for the tingling pain.
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Use of probiotics

Helo docs pls tel is it beneficial to give probiotics like econorm to babies without diarrhoea to strengthen their gut??? How frequently we can give?? My baby is 4.5 months
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Injured on his forehead

My son is completed one years old and today he injured on forehead is this cream is useful for injured area Mupirocin ointment ip 2%w/w
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Potty training in toddlers

Please doctors help my twins wil be 2 years this week now am starting potty training for them is not been easy for me please doctors help me how can I do this ? Is really hard so hard they keep running away from the potty please help me
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My baby poop is in green color

My 10months old baby is pooping soft and in green color two times a day since 1week ,before that she had motions and consulted doc, is it a problem or should I consult again
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Baby ate plastic powder

Hello doctor, My 10 months old son use walker to stand and play. There we are having plastic/fibre kind of show piece on it. Baby used to put that in mouth. Today I have saw with his teeth he kept marks on it, and with those marks now I'm worrying that plastic powder may went inside his mouth. He is playing eating and doing his day by day activities properly. Should we need to worry.?
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