Child Health Issues


Baby not eating solids

He does like vomiting whenever I put solids into his mouth from past 4 days,he is only drinking he having problem in the throat or stomach, pls suggest medicine ...he is 10 month baby, not eating solid food,
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AC in fever

Hi , My1 year old baby has fever since yesterday but I stay in Delhi where temp is really high. Can we use AC while child has having fever ?
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3times pooping in a day

Hi my baby is 4.5months old day before yesterday two days she didn't poop yesterday two times today three times not so watery but thick liquid in texture is it normal?? Now a days she is rolling over often Is it because of that??? She don't have fever not runny nose not so much body heat active only now what should I do please help me she is only exclusive breastfeeding. Is any food I ate problem???
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Sour curd to baby

I gave sour curd and rice with tempering of curry, garlic and mustard leaves to my 9 month old son, intially the curd was kept in fridge so I thought it might b fresh but then I later tasted the curd while consuming myself I found it sour, will it cause any ill effect to baby?
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Voveran injection has side effects

Hi Today I went for copper t insertion my doctor had given me veveron pain relief does my usingthis pain killer wil have any effect on my breastfeeding baby How to know about the effects of they exist Pls let me know because I am really worried about my little one
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Green colour vomiting

Hello Doctor, My baby delivered on 13th June 2024 he is 6 days old and got discharged today. After feed he vomited once in light green colour. It is a serious cause.
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Flu vaccination for 2 year old

My son's flu vaccination is due tomorrow. The temperature in Kolkata is 35°C. He has heat rashes all over his body. Is it safe to give flu vaccination in this hot and humid weather? Will there be any side effects?
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Social smile

My baby is 2 months 5 days old, he hasnt started giving social smiles.. he makes eye contact , follow objects whenevrr we take rattle left to right or vice versa. He listens whatever we talk to him, and doesnt give any reaction , just stares us.. otherwise he is active when we put him in his play gym as he reacts to toys and makes cooing sounds .. he was born at 36 plus 5 days and didnt require any nicu time, and his birth weight was 3.4 kgs.. he is on breastfeed only and his current weight now is 5.2 kgs
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6 months hasn't turned on to his stomach

My baby is 5months old ( 6th months running ), he has turned into his stomach , he does with a little support from back. I can't see signs of crawling also yet . Doesn't want to have formula also . Is it normal ?? Kindly suggest .
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Baby stretching a lot

My baby is 19 days old and from last few days she is stretching a lot with stretch sound. She is not crying but she turns red while stretching . Is it normal or she is having colic or any other pain. Kindly guide and advise.
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