Child Health Issues


About shaking baby syndrome

Hello my baby is 3 months old. Iwant know about this syndrome. Does it occur while shaking little hard with baby in lap. Any symptoms occurred?
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Please advise

Dear sir, My daughter Ms Anwita,2 yr, weight 10 kg, has been suffering from nausea since two days. Yesterday she was drowsy also passing lequid smaily stool.. As suggested local doctor we did an abdominal xray. Please have a look and share your valuable suggestions/advise. Thanking you in anticipation..
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Breastfeeding - milk sprays in babymouth

Hi, I'm a breastfeeding mom of a 2 month old baby. Recently i notice that my baby is gulping, squirming and rejecting feeds at breast. When I expressed my milk by hand. I noticed that my milk is spraying. I googled the issue and got to know about over-active let down. I tried laid back nursing and scissor hold but it did not help. The spraying continues when baby continues to feed. My baby now is feeding for very short time like 5 mins every half an hour and is struggling at the breast. Please help
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Vomitting after dinner

My 10 month old has started vomitting from the night ! He ate dinner and vomitted and after that even after every breastfeed he is vomitting ! Need immediate assistance
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Intake formula milk

My son is 3 months and 20 days old his weight is 5kg How much quantity of formula can I give?? My son is drinking 300 ml per day
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Burping with acid reflux at night

My 4.10yr old baby was admitted in hospital 15days before bcoz of continuous vomit upto 10times within 3hours.. after iv fluids she became normal within a hour and ate food.. now for the past one week when she lies down to sleep at night she is saying tat burp is coming and feels like burning sensation in throat and nose.. and sometimes chest pain too.. i never gave her any spicy foods.. giving only vegetarian foods like sambar dosa, black channa, ghee dosa like tat.. daily she complaining burning sensation in throat .. should I take her to hospital again?
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Pest Control with 14 months old baby

Hi Dr. My house has got lot of cockroaches, I have a 14 month old baby. Is it safe to get a pest control done. If yes, what precautions can be taken after the service?
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Want to know about autism

My child is 18 months old (girl child) She is going to school , she speaks litte bit and tells all her facial and body parts when asked.. when we call her by name she respondes only once after that after that she ignores.. but when she is far and we call her she responds and come .. she tells abc and all and makes animal sounds as well ... we take her to park play area as well and she plays there.. when we cross park are she tells that she want to go to park.. she is active my only concer is she respond only once or twice to her name if we call her again n again she keeps her self busy in what she is doing.. she tells every thing what we ask her in books as well.. but she speaks small word only like not to or three words in one go..
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7 year old not gaining weight and height

7 year old son not gaining weight and height. He is very skinny. Does not want to eat fruits and vegetables. He is very choosy in eating only eat few fruits and vegetables. What could be the reason. Is there any treatment available for the the same Allopathic , homeopathy or Ayurvedic treatment. Thanks
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Single strand of grey hair.

Hi, Is it normal to find  single strand of grey hair on my son's back of the head. He's 2 years old now. Please advice.
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