General Surgery


Epigastric hernia

There is small lump on the upperside of umbilical. On cosulting it turned out to be epigastic hernia. Sysmptoms - No pain ,no difficulties just small lump or looks like swollen area. Is there urgency to get its surgery done immediately or wait as there are no symptoms. When to get it done ..any signs?
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Gall bladder stone

Recently I did an ultrasound and my report says Gallbladder is over distended (12cm in length) and shows a hyperechoic calculus measuring 18.5mm in neck. Gal bladder wall appears midly thickened and measures 3.5mm. Should I opt for surgery? There is no pain yet in that area.
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Is the wound getting healed?

Age - 29 Gender - Male I hit my leg with a wooden door 3 days ago. There wasn't much blood, but the wound is a little deep. I washed it with betadine and have been applying betadine ointment while cleaning it with betadine. Is the wound healing? It's dry and white in the morning now, a little bit of swelling around, there is pain if I touch it. Attaching pictures for reference. My last tetanus booster was 3 years ago. Should I visit any physician and take any medicine? I recently (3 weeks ago) took some antibiotics cause of the fever. Can someone help me to tell if the wound is healing or not? I have left it open, cleaning it but not covering it. Please help me! thanks in advance!
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General anesthesia is safe?

General anesthesia is required in breast abscess surgery ? General anesthesia is safe or not? Please reply
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Chronic fissure

I have chronic fissure since my delivery 4 months ago. I get pain after defecation for 2-3 hour everyday though the pain is mild to moderate. Doctor said that fissure has not healed inside and the chances for it to heal is less likely. Should I go for LIS surgery as the pain is mild or live with the pain? Please suggest as i am confused. Have tried ayurveda medications as well and it failed.
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Actually since few days right toe having pain and redness along with swollen. wearing shoe along with socks during gym. Night time causing itching and pus. causing horrible painful and white discharge is coming out. right leg is paining a lot. present medication dolo 650 mg and muipriocion oniment apply. what to precautions should be followed
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Post hernia operation

Is it safe to use Indian toilets after you got an inguinal hernia operation done ? The operation took place in October last year.
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Burnt wound slough formed

I had burn I week back, had wound on my hand 2cm, not  healing , white slough formed like in picture, using sliverex , can i manage wound without debridement,  please suggest any Ointment or dressing for fast healing...
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Post-operative care

I've undergone a b/l axillary breast swelling surgery on 24/5/24. My stitches are removed and it has healed from outside. My question was related to the kind of product that I can use while bathing and after. I haven't cleaned my underarms with any soap/bodywash yet. 1. How long after can I use soap/bodywash? 2. Name of specific soap, if any? 3. How long after can I go for waxing? 4. When is it safe to use underarm roll-on or deodorants? 5. When can I resume gym? Thank you.
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Have neck lump and swelling and headache

Have a neck lump on the right cervical neck area and swelling also over that area and back of neck! Severe headache and dizziness and nausea. Have done NECK USG - the report suggested I have few more lumps of sizes in L1 and L3. And one is that 2cm. Have taken multiple courses of antibiotics! The xray is clear! What can cause this? And have done antibiotic courses but didn't solve! Asked for Female, 23 years, Bangalore
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