Brain and Spine Problems


Sudden Visual Disturbance and headache

I see flashes of texts I am currently studying for my exam. The text moves from left to right in front of my vision. And my brain suddenly gets filled with the texts I'm currently studying for my exams. Last month when this happened I couldn't speak and was seeing the flashes of texts. It happened for like 2 minutes straight. I could see, hear but couldn't speak. After that I started to have a left sided headache which lasted for like 4 hours. I went to a local doctor and he suggested I get a cbc, thyroid and vitamin d check. My vitamin d levels were very low and everything else was fine. The doctor prescribed vitamin d supplements which I'm currently taking. Today suddenly I saw flashes of texts and the word read 'imperialism'. Why is this happening?
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The right side of the brain is aching

I have been facing this issue for almost a week now. The right side of the brain suddenly starts to ache and continues till I sleep. And this happens on a daily basis. Sometimes I observed even little jerks while driving or anything that is increasing. Is it normal?
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Yesterday my head strucked on iron shutter gate i did't notice anything for 4-5 hours but after that i started filly dizzy then i applied ice its right in middle of head its paining a lot i feel pain after 24 hours i have taken combiflam pain killer also what should i do next?
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Tests to confirm poly neuropathy

Can only tuning fork test confirm poly neuropathy ?? Or nerve conduction is also required ? Please explain
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Headache and body vibration

On and off headaches and uneasiness in head. Mild vibration in body also. MRI normal. Headache sometimes increase with travel.
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Tingling on ring and pinky finger

I have tingling on my ring and pinky finger from last 2 months what shall I do? Shall I consult neurologist or orthopedist?
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Pains and shock sensation in handFingers

My mother is experiencing pain and shock-like sensations in her fingers. Doctor diagnosed it as nerve weakness and prescribed specific tablets. Unfortunately, those tablets are not available. Could you recommend an alternative Medicine? Pregaculus NT Palmiges API Q10 Neurosafe D3 Nerve Immune
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Alcoholism & mental issues

My father is a raging alcoholic, he drinks everyday, he doesn’t listen to anyone, he was sent to rehab twice, when his personality got changed completely, he was acting weird was talking too much, was not staying in home misbehaving with people, first time it happened in 2014 then 2019 and now in 2024 its happening again, what can be done, is there any pattern in it? What kind of doctor should I consult?
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Peripheral neuropathy

I have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy but I don't have diabetes , nor do I have any vitamin deficiencies . What could be the reason then ? Is it serious ? Does it shorten life span ??
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Left side headache

I have been experiencing headache from last 20 days.i have been given sibelium 10 MG.i have been taking it fir 15 days now still get minor headache sometimes left side  along with nausea.i got this kind of headache earlier also but it was without nausea should I go for mri and Which one mri plain or mri angio brain. Plz guide
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