Child Health Issues


Travelling in car with new born baby

My baby is 15 days old today. I want to travel back my mom's home post delivery. Is it safe to travel in car 30 to 40 kms . Will it cause any breathing difficulties in new born? Kindly advise whether to move or not?
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Adding Bournvita

Hello Doctor My baby is 13 months old I am adding two pinch of Bournvita in cow milk just to add little bit of taste and he easily finish all his milk so is it harmful or it's OK Only 2 pinch Please suggest me
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Speech delay

My child is 3.5 years old he understand all commands and shows everything what he want he point things ,express his emotion through his behavior but he does not speak. I'm completely confused whom to consult, what should be my next step for improvement of his speech. Pls suggest 🙏
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Missed vaccine

I missed my son's vaccine of age 4-6 years and now he is 6 years 5 months old. Can I get him vaccinated now
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How to know you have enough breastmilk?

My baby is 2 months should I know if he's getting enough milk from me. sometimes my breast feels loose ,does this mean I have less milk in my breast?
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Autism problem

Hello doctor my son was 3 nf half years he is facing moderate autism for last 2 months we have started occupational therapy he is under doctor supervision our doctor said avoid milk and sweet. He is taking pediasure but doctor said avoid that .. so what should we can do to maintain calcium . Please suggest 🙏 is any type of sugarfree powder can be given?
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Regarding Milk introduce

My daughter( 1 .5 year old) had diarrhoea 4 days before. Now she is good . During that time I stopped formula milk. When to introduce the milk again?
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Sinus and headache

I have been dealing with persistent sinus congestion, frequent headaches, and occasional ear pain for the past few months. Over-the-counter medications haven't provided much relief, and these symptoms are affecting my daily activities. Could you please provide guidance on what might be causing these issues and recommend the next steps for diagnosis and treatment?
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Child care

My 5-year-old child has been experiencing recurring fevers, a persistent cough, and a noticeable lack of energy for the past few weeks. Despite trying home remedies and over-the-counter medications, there hasn't been much improvement. Could you please provide guidance on what might be causing these symptoms and recommend the next steps for diagnosis and treatment?
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2 month hadBaby not pooped in 24 hours

My baby is 2 mnth old now and she had not poop in 24 hours other wise she used to poop regulary in day 3 to 4 times what should i do ?
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