Child Health Issues


Baby doesn't poop for 7days

My baby is completed 2mnths.. she hasn't poop since 7days.. today is 7th day... giving only breastmilk.. no formula milk.
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7 year old not gaining weight and height

7 year old son not gaining weight and height. He is very skinny. Does not want to eat fruits and vegetables. He is very choosy in eating only eat few fruits and vegetables. What could be the reason. Is there any treatment available for the the same Allopathic , homeopathy or Ayurvedic treatment. Thanks
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Single strand of grey hair.

Hi, Is it normal to find a single strand of grey hair on my son's back of the head. Please let know.
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Is my breast milk enough

My baby is 2 months old.every time i try to feed him he only latches for about 5 mins and doesn't want to eat more and wants to eat in every 1.5hours. In 24 hours he pee for about more than 8 times and poop for 1-2 times a day. Is he getting enough milk from this 5 mins of latching. I also sometimes feel like maybe I'm having less breast milk.please help doctor!!!
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Awake from sleep for feeding

Should I awake my 3 months old from sleep every 2 hours for feeding or should I give feed on demand? What portion needs to be given at 3 months old? I give 90ml
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Baby vomiting / Spitting

My baby is 7 weeks old.. for the past 4 to 5 days, whenever I give him vitamin d3 drops he is spitting / vomiting immediately. It is more like watery milky spitting.. what is the reason and how to give him drops without him spitting it ? Please help..
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6th week vaccination

My Baby is passing loose stools (looks like mild mucus texture) (not very watery )after 6th week vaccination 4 times since yesterday evening. He is taking feed properly. Temperature after two doses of crocin is 98.6. Is this normal. Should I give crocin drops 6 hours once even if the temperature is normal
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Regarding vaccination to my baby girl, in  10th week vaccination of govt immunization schedule there is no pcv vaccine so we had taken the PCV vaccine from private hospital on 14 may 2024 and next 14th week scheduled on 12 June 2024 (Govt.) having pcv vaccine, is it ok to take pcv vaccine having 30 days time between 10th and 14th vaccine schedule.
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Milestones for my baby boy

Hi Docs, My son is 8.5 months old. What should be the ideal weight and height for him. Also what are the milestones he should have achieved by now? He has been having solids for the last 2 months.
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Typhoid vaccine fever

My son is 7 Month's old and he has influenza 2nd dose and typhoid vaccine in the morning but now he has 104 temperature gave him paracetamol but didn't work ,his doctor suggested ibugesic. Is it ok to give him
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