Child Health Issues


Teething at 4 months

Hi sir/madam My son is 3 months 27 days old his weight is 5kg and his birth weight was 2.5 kg... My son is done teething both upper & lower upper teeth :-(first molor,canine,lateral incisor,second molar) Lower teeth :- ( central incisor, first molar, second molar) I'm really worrying about my son situation
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Baby sleeping a lot not eating fully

My baby is 18 days old. She is sleeping through out the day time. I have to wake her up and feed. But she sleeps within 5 to 10 mins of feed. I am trying all things to wake her up but she sleeping again while feeding start. Kindly advise what to do. I am very worried and concerned.
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AC in fever

Hi , My1 year old baby has fever since yesterday but I stay in Delhi where temp is really high. Can we use AC while child has having fever ?
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Head bending to one side

Days days my baby is of 5months 12 days when am carrying her on left side she is bending her head little is it common or do I need to worry pls suggest
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Dengue Platelet Count

My daughter was diagnosed with dengue on 06/02. Her platelet count was 284 on the day of the first blood test. Below are frequent test count values - 06/03 - 284 06/04 - 312 06/05 - 236 06/06 - 228 06/08 - 196 06/10 - 329 06/15 - 609 The platelet count on 06/15 shows significant increase, also which is above max normal (200-500). Is this something to worry about? Is it ok if the count is above the normal max limit? Do I need to get the test done again? Can I get help here?
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Licking and suckling fingers

My baby is of 5 months 12 days old she is Licking nd sucking fingers alot what does it mean and  how can I stop
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New born baby Bilirubin

New born 10 days boy bilirubin 15 in 10 days . Is Normal or not . Weight is 1.8 kg. Mother and boy blood group are same B+. Today Dr advice photography. Is any risk sir . Reg, Arpan
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Shaken baby syndrome

My son is 3 months old. One of my relative take a baby and lying the baby  on her lap and bounce little hard like a jiggling my son head moves like a bobble head at that time is there any harm to head .and also I don't know that she is shaking my baby in upright position or not . I learn on internet about shaken baby syndrome so I concern. Bt my baby is active playing, smiling and there is no symptoms like shaking baby syndrome. Bt am worried in future any issues happen ?
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Change in Stool consistency after solids

My son 6 months old after starting solids was pooping once a day and was firm. Since last 2 weeks he poops 3-4 times some days and somedays 1 a day. Sometimes it is mushy and the very next poop it is perfect. As he now been doing this since 2 weeks, is it normal? He looks very normal and very active. Doesn't seems to have a problem. But if he has loose stool ( once) by morning the next stool in evening is firm. Why it happens, we also took a pediatrician advice to have zinc drops, but still he does this and now they say it's normal
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Baby stretching a lot

My baby is 19 days old and from last few days she is stretching a lot with stretch sound. She is not crying but she turns red while stretching . Is it normal or she is having colic or any other pain. Kindly guide and advise.
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