Testicle pain
My right testicle is paining a lot after mastrubation..i dont do over mastrubation.i mastrubate weekly once or twice..and i have premature ejaculation problem..prescribe me some natrural remedies..
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hello, masturbation dosn't cause any health problem, when the urge is under control. but any trauma to testits while doing maturbation will cause pain , or any infection could cause pain .Premature ejaculation is uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after sexual penetration. It happens with minimal sexual stimulation and before the person wishes. It may result in unsatisfactory sex for both partners. This can increase the anxiety that may add to the problem. It is one of the most common forms of male sexual dysfunction. It has probably affected every man at some point in his life. Most cases of premature ejaculation do not have a clear cause. With sexual experience and age, men often learn to delay orgasm. Premature ejaculation may occur with a new partner. It may happen only in certain sexual situations or if it has been a long time since the last ejaculation. Psychological factors such as anxiety, guilt, or depression can also cause it. In some cases, it may be related to a medical cause such as hormonal problems, injury, or a side effect of certain medicines. In many cases premature ejaculation gets better on its own over time. Treatment may not be needed. Practicing relaxation techniques or using distraction methods may help you delay ejaculation. For some men, stopping or cutting down on the use of alcohol, tobacco, may improve how well they can control ejaculation. If still troubles consult psychiatrist. for pain in testis consult general surgeon.
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