Suffering from cold
My daughter is suffering from cold last 6,7 months i consult the doctors but it is not clearing to her. i visited rainbow hospital in kharkhana then it has some clear but she is always doing breathing very hardly just like (gur gur....sound is coming when she is sleeping) so please give a suggestion to that problem to her
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Hi ! I can understand that you might be stressed about your daughter having these symptoms for such a long time. If there is no fever and she is otherwise active without any breathing difficulty, please don't worry. I would suggest using saline nasal drops and a nasal suction bulb to clear her nose. These nasal suction bulbs are available in any shops which sell baby clothes. The way those work is producing a vacuum and removing the nasal discharge from the nose which will help your daughter breathe better. This is a very common complaint and if your doctor has ruled out any major problem then you don't have to worry at all. If it worsens kindly meet your paediatrician who will help you out sort this issue. Hope this helps Regards
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