Skin dryness and itching
For past couple of days I have been experiencing dryness and itching on my face. I could see white dead cells coming out and rashes on my face. I have been excessively traveling for past couple of months and recently been to a very dry (non humid) place. Please suggest a cure.
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Hi.Start by using a good moisturising lotion.For your condition I would suggest Physiogel AI Lotion(Steifel).Apply it locally twice daily.In addition for the itching,apply Desonide gel once at night.Take Tablet Teczine 5 mg in case the itching is too severe.Hope this helps. Regards, Dr.Sanchit Talwar, MD (Skin & VD), Consultant Dermatologist, Dr Talwar's Skin, Laser and Cosmetic Clinic, CHANDIGARH.
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