Poor speaking skills
Hello doctor, I am home alone for the past five years due to depression. Previously when I was at school, I had a good command over languages. But now I lost all my vocabularies and I'm currently in a very pathetic situation when it comes to speaking skills. I forgot languages. I find it very difficult to speak due to this. Could depression cause these problems? Please help me. Thank you.
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If someone has a back problem they take medication plus the ones who follow the exercises advised by the physiotherapist will recover faster. Similarly in depression it is helpful to follow up with a doctor for medication regularly plus get regular counselling ad try to do 2-3 pleasant things daily. Yes Depression can cause memory problems but they are usually reversible. It could be also due to loss of confidence due to depression. It is all reversible.
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Hello. Well what ever you have learnt won't vanish like that...Its just that you feel so low that you are not be to speak up..You need to just brush up your skills, push yourself and start speaking out....Thank you
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Thanks for approaching us. I can understand your situation and I know communication is most important skill in any field or anything. Very simple thing, you have expressed you concern here in the questionnaire column, its obvious that you have very good command in your language, it means may be you are scared / lack in confidence from so many years. Try to find out the reason for your anxious feeling, what is it that's bothering you. You can take counsellors help in your area and can overcome this negative feeling. stay positive. best wishes and have confidence with yourself.
Next Steps
you can visit psychologist near your area.
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Why are you at home for the past 5 yrs? What was the reason for ur depression? ! Are u under any treatment  for that! It's  been 5 yrs,  are you out of it now.!! Please consult a Psychologist  in ur city and find remedies by counselling sessions.
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