Painless bumps on penis foreskin
Hello Doctor, I found some small painless and itching free bumps on my penis foreskin. These bumps are there from more than 1 year. It's never feel me irritating or itching. Kindly tell me what's are these bumps. I have attached photo also. Thanks Anuj
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Fungal infection.. Also called jock itch, when occurs in groin.. Usually fungal infection is common in moist areas of body like skin folds..It's mostly circular or round in appearance.. May be red or black in colour.. Treatment depending on the type and severity.. Avoid sharing clothes, towels and soap; sweating also increases it..As it has to be differentiated from eczema, bacterial and viral infection, doctor need to see to confirm the diagnosis..So, meet me in my clinic or do direct online consultation  for detailed information and medicine for treatment.
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These are fordyce spots. Nothing to worry about... some patients have it more prominently than others on the penile shaft skin. Nothing to worry about. hope this is helpful.
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