Nose not Straight
My Nose is not straight, it's tilted to the left hand side. Is there anyway to make it straight? What procedures are available? Do the procedures leave any scars? Any complications? How much does they cost?
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Hi. Looks like you have developed deviated nasal septum... Initial treatment of a deviated septum may be directed at managing the symptoms of the tissues lining the nose, which may then contribute to symptoms of nasal obstruction and drainage... Septoplasty is the usual way to repair a deviated septum. During septoplasty, your nasal septum is straightened and repositioned in the center of your nose. This may require your surgeon to cut and remove parts of your septum before reinserting them in the proper position... In some cases, surgery to reshape the nose (rhinoplasty) is performed at the same time as septoplasty. Rhinoplasty involves modifying the bone and cartilage of your nose to change its shape or size or both...Consult Ent surgeon..
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