Night fall
I am by age and every night i sufferd with night fall.. i consult with many doctors but still i am sufferd from it.  So please give me suggestion
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night fall are a normal part of growing up. There's nothing you can do to control or stop wet dreams.Even if you have a lot of wet dreams it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. Some guys have wet dreams a few times a week. Others may only have a couple of wet dreams during their entire life.Once you start releasing sperm by masturbating or having sex with a partner, you may have fewer wet dreams.
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Semen production goes on in the testis for 24 hours and gets stored in seminal vesicles. Now imagine seminal vesicles as a water tank. 24 hours production at some time, will make tank full. Its storage capacity runs out. Now overflowing mechanisms take place like night falls and seminal discharge in urine. To avoid this u need to have sex or masturbate regularly.
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