Missed period
My last period start date was 14-dec(3 days cycle). i had intimate with my partner on 22-dec .after intimation, on 25-dec I was bleed from vagina. From 25- 27 dec their was a severe cramps on my abdomen which was fully cure by taking hot shake. Now I missed my period in this january month. I had a regular period cycle of 28 days. I have checked today morning with Prega News Kit but it comes negative. What to do now please help me.
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Repeat pregnancy test after two days. If Test is negative then go for Beta HCG test.
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Up to 37 day cycle is considered normal Since the last period was on 14th of December wait till 20th of January If still no periods repeat a pregnancy test If negative you can connect for a prescription to help you get your periods
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Do BetaHCG test to confirm. Repeat the test after a week.
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