Hello Doctor!! Am 38 years old , unmarried female. From past 4 yea cycles got changed from 28 days to 24- 26 days i.e., one month is 25 days, other will be 26 days , again 24 .... I used to have a good period flow say minimum for 3 days, however from past 5-6 months the flow has been reduced. May be for max for a day or day n half after that there's just very little spotting. My weight range is ok ( 62 kgs for a height of 5ft 6in), I underwent abdominal scan way back in Nov,2013 everything was normal and
thyroid levels too . However after that I din't undergo any medical examinations. I had my share of stress issues too of demanding IT job, marriage got cancelled, family issues .... Am worried if these are the signs of menopause. It could be of great help if you could please let me know how should I proceed on this - tests to undergo, etc. Look forward to hear from you.