In my right leg thumbnail
Hello sir i am having light puzz discharge in my right leg thumbnail.but there is no pain. is there any problem.i dont have any any sugar and bp compliant. my father had sugar and high bp .last 2 years before he passed away . he had 76 years.please tell me what i want to do.
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Thanks for the query. Kindly meet a Dermatologist near you for diagnosis and treatment plans. Similar presentation can be seen in many skin diseases and can be diagnosed during a consultation. If there is a sudden pain and swelling, it may indicate an infection. You need to consult a dermatologist for the needful. The expert will decide if your present condition will merit with usage of an antibiotic.
Next Steps
Underlying fungal infection of the toe nail should be considered.
Health Tips
Avoid self medications. Meet a Dermatologist.
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