I have facing night and day false prblm
Last 6 month I have facing night and day false problem. Day by day it increasing. Sometime twice in a day and thrice in a week. Pls give me solution regarding this problem as soon as possible. Thank you.
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Night falls are a natural phenomena. But when we start having night falls more than 5-6 times a month, then there is a problem. We start feeling weakness, tiredness, etc.. etc... Do not take milk after 3 pm. Try to avoid non-veg, spicy, fried & chilly food. Do not watch pornography materials. Take good healthy diet, do exercise & yoga daily. Take tab. Confido & chandan adi bati each morning & evening with water. Keep stomach clean & avoid constipation. See the results or you may contact at our clinics ( In Mumbai, India ) Our Doctors will take your detailed medical history on phone. Then our Senior doctor will talk to you & then as per your medical history we will send you the medicines. It will cost you Rs. 3500/- per month. You can also visit our website :
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