I am facing this stomach issue since long time. I require large amount of time in washroom. And even after that I have to visit washroom several times in a day. I get this feeling incomplete defecation. Bowel movement is not smooth. It's not hard, but requires a bit of pressure. Tried allopathic, homeopathic as well as ayurvedic medicines. Didn't get any positive result. Can it be any major problem? What should I do?
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Don't strain too much during defecation, it can cause piles, chronic constipation or straining too much can cause piles, take sufficient amount of fluid, take fibre diet, do some physical activity like walking, jogging, light exercise, rest you can consult us for more help, consult Dr. Adil Hingora, City - Raipur, you can search in google, you can also consult us online.
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It can be connected to stress, When Your Stress Goes Flying Out the Window : Stress is so all-pervading in this material world that everyone is tortured by it. Stress takes many forms. We are stressed by health problems, financial problems, interpersonal problems and many more. The solution for all varieties of stress is to understand that its underlying cause is bodily consciousness, the false identification of the self with the body. As soon as one realizes that he is not his body and that his real happiness is based on harmonizing his consciousness with the supreme consciousness, and he then learns the art of doing this, his stress goes flying out the window to be replaced with profoundly sweet transcendental bliss. - courtesy of Sda e-course at joincourse dot com
Oh dear sorry to hear that. Well just medications do not cause magic and cure.. A good life style change and Dietary pattern will help you get rid of your ailment..Do Visit our Clinic for further assistance
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Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.
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