Baby growth related
My son is 1 year old now. His weight is 6.8kg and height is 66 cm. I m concerned about his growth. Can anyone please let me know how to increase his growth. Whether with food or with some medicines?. Please let me know.
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If your baby appears to be underweight, with wrinkly, loose skin and yet has a good nappy count indicating enough milk intake, it may be that your baby has an underlying medical condition which is causing a slow weight gain. There are many conditions which could affect weight gain. Some of the common ones include: infection anything from a cold to a urinary infection vomiting or frequent posseting (eg pyloric stenosis or severe reflux) - can mean a baby does not retain enough milk to grow...a sensitivity to foods in the mother's diet could be a cause of low weight gain (usually along with other symptoms, such as colic. Consult Pediatrician...
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Food for penis growth Abnormal head growth in babies Baby growth stages first year
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