Urine & feet burning, uneasy stomach,

2020-04-15 11:20:50
Feeling uneasy stomach and burning during passing the urine, burning in sole feet since morning. I have taken lemon juice with water, and soaked feet in little cold water. Feeling better but not relaxed. I have a problem of burp. My feet and hands gets numb usually more than 5-6 times in a day. I dont drink water that often. Should I have to test diabetes? I do not understand which Dr. I should consult. Kindly help.

Answers (13)

Hello Mam, Thanks for your valuable question, we understand your problem completely. Best is to treat problems with herbal supplements to avoid any side effects. Contact us at phone or online chat with us to get best herbal medicine. Thanks

Answered2020-04-16 10:10:07

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Answered2020-04-16 06:56:33

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U can consult me online, homeopathic medication can be beneficial for u.Detail case study needed. U can chat online for complete consultation and treatment. Dr Merlin

Answered2020-04-16 06:11:12

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Consult me online.

Answered2020-04-15 18:15:15

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You can consult me..At homeopathic opinion Should be investigation like- HbA1c,GTT,Urine routine,CBC.Thyroid Panels.
Next Steps
procto chat

Answered2020-04-15 18:01:45

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Your symptoms are vague You have to give your major problems first Then we can correct the minor problems

Answered2020-04-15 15:18:08

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You need some investigation as CBC,sugar,KFT. Send report then I shall provide  you better Ayurvedic treatment which solved your problem .You may consult with me through this platform.
Next Steps
Do not spicy and fatty food.
Health Tips
Drink water in proper way.

Answered2020-04-15 13:19:58

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Get your blood sugar checked.Consult MD general medicine

Answered2020-04-15 11:29:30

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hi i understand your concern homeopathic treatment offers best results in such cases without any side effects better consult with me online now

Answered2020-04-15 11:28:45

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Take buttermilk with a pinch of blacksalt Drink jeera decoction.dru fried jeera coarsely powdered.1 tsf powder and add a glass of water,boil reduce to 1/4.drink 3-4 times a day.

Answered2020-04-15 11:27:25

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It can be because of DM, Anaemia, thyroid problem, gas/acidity or gastritis etc. I need details. In the meanwhile Follow this 1. Don't take tea empty stomach. Eat something like a banana (if you are not diabetic). ) or any seasonal fruit or soaked almonds and a glass of water first thing in the morning (within 10 mins of waking up). No only biscuits or rusk will not do. 2. Don't Overeat 3. Take your breakfast every day. Don't skip it. U should eat whatever ur mother or grandparent eat in bfast. I mean to say whatever is ur traditional food. If punjabi eat paratha, if belongs to south then take idli/ dosa etc. 4. Have light meals every 2 hours (in addition to your breakfast, lunch n dinner) e.g. Nariyal paani, chaach, a handful of dry fruits, a handful of peanuts, any fresh n seasonal fruit, a cup of curd/milk etc 5. Finish your dinner at least 2 hours before going to sleep. 6. Maintain active life style 7. Avoid fast foods, spicy n fried foods, Carbonated beverages 8. Take a lot of green vegetables n fruit. 9. Drink lot of water. 10. Everyday preferably sleep on same time Exercise in the form of yoga, cycling, Swimming, gym etc. For more details, you can consult me

Answered2020-04-15 16:40:11

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U have multiple problems like burps & uneasiness in stomach which can be due to acidity. Burning feet &numbness which can be due to diabetes or vit B12 deficiency. Burning in urination can be due dehydration or urine infection . Proper check up is required.
Next Steps
Physicians will be the person to guide u & treat u

Answered2020-04-15 13:56:07

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Your problems r due to pitta vikar/UTI /general debilities etc, Take Amala juice 2 tsf at morning,Manoll 1 tsf bid with milk, take sufficient water pomegranate juice watermelon Cucumber, coconut water take Decoction of Giloy Mulahathi at morning
Next Steps
perform tests for blood sugar, Vitamins minerals Hb etc in any hosp.nearby u
Health Tips
Madhur Tikta Kashaya ras dominant simple food

Answered2020-04-15 12:00:36

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