Sudden break up in a good relationship

2021-02-16 18:07:00
Relationship of 1 year. Nothing was wrong untill the day, her guy was spotted with his ex, n he confessed that he still has feelings for ex who got him emotionally weak. In order to save her dignity, she broke off. But now, is feeling devastated, cheated, lied and seeking for answers which she knows that may hurt her. In a few days she is going to appear an entrance exam for which she has been preparing hard, n the guy also used this as an excuse to remain silent. No other problems in relationship, they went on a Happy day just a few days before the catastrophic day. Getting irrational thoughts, vivid dreams, emotional storms and helplessness

Answers (4)

Hey Thanks for sharing and reaching out. I understand you are seeking help to get more clarity n understanding on ur friends situation. Pls correct me if I am wrong. There has been a breach of trust with her boyfriend. I can imagine how shattering that must be for her. Sometimes the truth is painful but it’s important to accept it inorder to be more in touch with reality than the fantasy version of it in our minds and hearts. I know she is hurting and struggling through this. Things should have not ended the way they did.
Next Steps
Pls connect for a one on one session when ur comfortable. I would like to help u through this.

Answered2021-02-17 04:47:25

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Hi you seek counseling for emotional healing and make your innerself to be strong. You are aware that this guy is in confused state. For every question we won't get answers it even worsen the situation & thinks negatively. You can contact me via practo.

Answered2021-02-17 01:56:55

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Dear friend , we will go through many challenges in life , that may drain us emotionally or financially or physically. You are in a stage which is draining you out emotionally. I am glad you are seeking help, as prolonged emotional pain which is unattended can turn into somatic problems. Please reach out for catharsis and to empower your mind. As a counselor I can say , that you will have to learn to prioritise about when to focus on your entrance exam or worrying about a relationship with a confused man. He may be the best , but if he is not sure about you or his earlier partner. You need to give him and your self time to evaluate things. Also it is good you choose to walk out and ensure you maintain your self respect. To work on your thoughts , vivid dreams we can use therapies and mind management techniques for healing.
Next Steps
Please seek help to ensure you are focused on other areas of life to and not stuck on this issue hammering other aspects.
Health Tips
You may reach out to me online or in clinic at practo : Neha Ravichandran : my website

Answered2021-02-17 01:38:08

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Hello, I see you are going through a rough time. Relationships can be a big part of our life, and having a sudden breakup can create chaos and confusion. Loving someone so deeply and leaving the same person can be aching and unpleasant. This is all the more reason that you should prioritise your own self-care and mental health. Recovering from such an experience can be difficult, but it is all worth it. I understand healing and concentrating on things will take some time, but drawing wisdom from what happened will make you strong and allow you to know who you are. Looking for answers all on your own may be difficult and frustrating, but know that you can always take some support from a professional to help you process these big feelings.
Next Steps
I would recommend that you seek therapy. In reaching out to a psychologist, you may be able to get some support to get through these difficult times. It sounds like you've been dealing with quite a bit. It can be hurtful and frustrating to be carrying around all these negative feelings and thoughts. This is perhaps a sign that you need some support carrying all this emotional weight.
Health Tips
For the moment, in times when things are difficult, engage yourself in some activities of Self-care and Self-compassion. You may also try Journaling - Write it all as if you’re talking to a stranger. It will help you to release your troubling thoughts and intense emotions effectively. You could also do some grounding exercises such as the 5-4-3-2-1 and counted breathing.

Answered2021-02-18 03:51:19

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