Acid reflux and heartburn
I am facing severe problem of heartburn and acid soon as i ly down on bed i start facing severe pain. I have to keep drinking water evry 15 minuted which releases some gas.i fart a lot only at night. I had endoscopy which shows minor GERD. Please suggest remedies for quick relief.
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Thanks for expecting Healthier fitness solutions with Ayurved, its gd u had opinion, but add Healthier habits too like Exercise, still persistent AYURVEDIC Approach can be available till then warm Buttermilk by adding thyme, cumin seeds, reduce Rice at dinner n salty n sour food n drinks.
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Hello.. Well gerd is treatable don't worry...hope you are taking antacids... You need to follow dew steps like having food on not wait till hunger pangs..stroll for atleast 30 min after food before you kie down...have lots of water..avoid oily and spicy food
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Home remedies for heartburn and gas Heartburn after heavy drinking Heartburn causes and remedies
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