I have PCOS. Since nov I have had period thrice i.e on nov9 then on feb14 then on march16 . I did pregnancy tests in dec and jan- 4 home kits, 2 urine, 1blood and all were negative. In feb starting I got 2 abdomen pelvic USG's done. I got a cyst in rt ovary 6cm in one USG and 10cm in the other. But no baby in both. I also got thick endometrium lining 16.9 mm in one and 1.73cm in the other. In feb starting i consulted a doctor so i took primolut n for period and got on 14th feb and after that from fifth day i started taking diane35. As i started i used to vomit and not feel good and tired all the time but completed the dose of 21 days and then on 16th march i got my periods. In all the three periods i had normal clotting and cramps. After the period in march i had spotting(very little)for 4-5 days. Abdomen feels vert bloated and there is pressure in abdomen, lower back pains and symptoms of UTI. Are there still any chances of me being
pregnant? If not what is the case? Help please!