5mm kidney stone
Hi Doc I recently got an ultrasound scan and found out that I have 5mm calculus in lower calyx of right kidney and a 4mm calculus in lower calyx of left kidney. I wanted to if these can be treated with medicines or any surgical procedure is necessary.
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If stones less than 7mm generally pass through spontaneously without surgical intervention...Medical treatment of nephrolithiasis involves supportive care and administration of agents, such as the following: Excessive water intake or IV hydration, Nonnarcotic analgesics , Oral/intravenous narcotic analgesics, NSAIDS (eg, ketorolac, ketorolac intranasal, ibuprofen), Antiemetics (eg, metoclopramide), Antibiotics (eg, ampicillin, gentamicin, ticarcillin/clavulanic acid, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, ofloxacin) to reduce possible infections, Alkalinizing agents (eg, potassium citrate, sodium bicarbonate): For uric acid and cysteine calculi Alpha blockers (eg, tamsulosin, terazosin)...Consult nearest urologist they will do the needful.
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