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86 Best Normal Vaginal Delivery Nvd Doctors In Noida

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Matritva Clinic

Matritva Clinic

1 Gynecologist/Obstetrician
28 years experience
Sector 120
₹800Consultation Fees
94%273 Patient Stories

Dr. Smritee Virmani

16 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Pushpa Kaul

47 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Kanika Agarwal

22 years experience overall

Dr. Surabhi Katyal

20 years experience overall
900 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Jyoti Bhaskar

Infertility Specialist
37 years experience overall
1100 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Meenu Singh

27 years experience overall
900 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Pratibha Singhal

Infertility Specialist
48 years experience overall
1100 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Manisha Ranjan

23 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Kanika Gera Thakral

20 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Neeta Gupta

28 years experience overall

Normal Vaginal Delivery (nvd)

Best Birthing Services Doctors In Noida

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 (3035 Reviews & Ratings)
Normal Vaginal Delivery in Noida

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Normal Vaginal Delivery?

The natural process by which a baby is born without significant medical intervention is known as Normal Vaginal Delivery. Normal Vaaginal Delivery is also known as Natural Childbirth where a mother is guided through the labor process until the fetus comes to the birth canal. The process of Normal Vaginal Delivery includes: going through labor and delivery without medications.

The mother leads to the labor and delivery in a way she feels most comfortable. This process is done by using very few or no artificial medical intervention. Continuous fetal monitoring and episiotomy are the few medical interventions done during Normal Vaginal Delivery. 

What are the early symptoms of labor?

Few of the early signs and symptoms of the labor are:

  1. The baby drop
  2. Increased urge to urinate and pass the bowel
  3. The passing of the mucus plug
  4. Dilation of the cervix
  5. Thinning of the cervix
  6. Back pain
  7. Contraction
  8. A burst of the energy
  9. Water breaks

What are the three stages of Normal Vaginal Delivery?

The labor is divided into the following three stages:

  1. First stage - the contractions start dilating the cervix and stops when the dilation reaches 10 cms.  
  2. Second stage - this stage is when a woman pushes the baby into the birth canal.
  3. Third stage  - this stage ends with the ejection of the placenta and this stage is also known as afterbirth.

What are the different kinds of Vaginal Deliveries? 

  1. Normal Vagina Delivery - whether induced or not, the baby is delivered through the vagina, unlike the C-Section where the incision is made on the lower abdomen to deliver the baby.
  2. SVD (Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery) - here, the mother goes into the labor naturally without using medications or medical interventions.
  3. AVD (Assisted Vagiinal Delivery) - also known as instrumental vaginal delivery where a specialized forceps or vacuum extractor and episiotomies are used to deliver the baby. 
  4. IVD (Induced Vaginal Delivery) - this is a form of natural delivery, but the labor is induced through manual techniques or medication.

What should be done immediately after Normal Vaginal Delivery?

Following  are the few things to be done after Normal Vaginal Delivery:

  1. Kegel exercise to strengthen the pelvic muscles.
  2. Apply cold packs on the perineum or use ice wrapped in a towel.
  3. Sitting on a pillow or donut-shaped cushion.
  4. Warm bath body soaking should be done.
  5. After going to the bathroom wipe from front to back.
  6. If pain persists, ask the healthcare provider for pain relievers.
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