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22 Hair Transplant Doctors in Mumbai

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Skin Town Clinic

Skin Town Clinic

1 Dermatologist
14 years experience
Matunga West
₹1200Consultation Fees
96%148 Patient Stories
Practo One Badge

Dr. Suraj Shetty

15 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sumit Agrawal

Plastic Surgeon
23 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Raina Nahar

Hair Transplant Surgeon
16 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sujit Shanshanwal

15 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Yogesh Kalyanpad

14 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Mohd Asif

12 years experience overall

Dr. Bhushan S Bawankar

Hair Transplant Surgeon
14 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic
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Dr. Ajay Nimbalkar

13 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Kiran Katkar

Hair Transplant Surgeon
39 years experience overall
FAQs on Hair Transplant Surgery
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Dr. Haresh Timbadia

43 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplants Doctors In Mumbai

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Hair Transplant in Mumbai

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure where Dermatologists remove hair follicles from a particular area of the body (donor site) and transplant it to another part of the scalp where there is a thinning of hair (recipient site). This prevalent procedure helps people in treating partial or total balding. There are various places for getting a hair transplant in Mumbai with experts guiding one with the best advice. One can choose from a plethora of options that suit his/her requirement and budget as well. 

What are the causes of male pattern baldness?

Male pattern baldness can be an outcome of several factors like:

  1. Genetics
  2. Cancer
  3. Imbalance in male sex hormones- androgen
  4. Side effects of a specific medication
  5. Imbalance in thyroid level in the blood
  6. Fungal infection on the scalp
  7. Nutritional deficiency
  8. Environmental factors like exposure to UV rays and sun rays 

What are the types of Hair Transplant surgeries?

There are various centres available for hair transplant in Mumbai. Surgeries involving donor site include Strip Harvesting or Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). According to medical devices used in the process, hair transplantation can be manual or robotic. 

What are the side effects of Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation can lead to certain side effects including:

  1. Tissue scarring or injury on the scalp.
  2. Infection at the transplant site called folliculitis.
  3. Inflammation and bleeding from the scalp.
  4. Shock loss or sudden loss of transplanted hair which re-grows after some time. 

Is Hair Transplant permanent?

In most of the cases, hair transplant in Mumbai is a permanent procedure when individuals take good post-operative care of follicles and regularly undergoes routine check-ups. 

What is the cost of the Hair Transplant?

The cost of hair transplant varies from city to city and clinics in which the procedure is undertaken. It also depends on several other factors of the individual undergoing the process including:

  1. Extent and pattern of hair loss
  2. Number of grafts required
  3. The technique involved in transplantation surgery (FUE or FUT)
  4. Experience and skill of Dermatologist 

Usually, hair transplant in Mumbai involves an expenditure of:

The minimum cost of transplantation – INR 50000

The average cost of transplantation – INR 100000 

The cost per graft varies between INR 30 to INR 120 depending upon the skill of Dermatologist and location of the clinic. 

You may also want to know

Hair transplant in Mumbai is a medical process for treating balding and pattern hair loss most prevalently in males. In this surgical procedure, Dermatologists extract hair follicles from the donor site and transplant it to the recipient site on the patient’s scalp. In some cases, Dermatologists also incorporate transplantation technique for treating hair loss in eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, and hairs on the chest or rarely in the pubic area in males. Sometimes, doctors recommend this surgical procedure for healing a scar developed due to trauma. 

Indications for getting a Hair Transplant

Dermatologists recommend hair transplant in Mumbai when individuals experience balding or hair recession or thinning in specific areas of the scalp. Good lustrous hair helps to boost self-confidence and promote the well-being of people. On the other hand, individuals experiencing balding often show signs of low motivation and confidence in day to day work. Therefore, undergoing hair transplantation helps them to regain their vitality and improves self-confidence. 

Stages of male baldness pattern

According to ‘Norwood Scale’, male balding has been sub-divided into seven stages. Detailed below is a brief description of each phase. 

Stage One

In the first stage of balding individuals experience slight receding of hairline around the temples. Usually, this thinning goes unnoticed by an untrained eye; however, during routine check-up experts may reveal it. 

Stage Two

In Stage Two, the thinning of the hair near the temple further advances inward and form an M-shaped hairline. This stage is quite widespread among men. 

Stage Three

In the third stage of balding, hair recession becomes more visible and individuals have little or no hair left near their temporal region. The hair at the top of the head also reduces and often there are spots where there is no hair growth. 

Stage Four

Stage four is an advanced stage of balding when thinning of hair is even noticed by untrained eyes. There are bald spots on the scalp which becomes tough to hide by combing of hair. Individuals also experience thinning of hair or loss of a large patch of hair near their crown portion. 

Stage Five

In this stage, individuals have a horseshoe-shaped hairline. After this stage, it becomes difficult to reverse hair growth and treat balding. 

Stage Six

In Stage Six, individuals already lose a large area of the hairline. In this stage, only a limited portion of hair remains on the scalp. 

Stage Seven

It is the final stage of balding and is known as complete baldness. Here, there is no hair in the crown portion. The chances of hair re-growth are very slim after this stage. 

Dermatologists often recommend hair transplantation as a possible line of treatment for reversing the condition. However, it is essential to discuss the success rate of the treatment procedure so that patients are aware of the outcome of cosmetic surgery.  

Causes of male pattern baldness

There are many factors responsible for baldness in men including:

1.     Genetics- Genes play a significant role in causing baldness in men. There is a tendency of receding hairline when there is a family history of balding.

2.     Androgen- Imbalance in Androgen or the male hormone-like testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are also a probable cause of baldness.

3.     Cancer- Some types of cancer and chemotherapy treatment also causes hair loss in men.

4.     Medicine- Side effects of a few groups of medications like those of epilepsy may also cause baldness.

5.     Thyroid Level- Imbalance in thyroid level in blood circulation may also lead to hair loss.

6.     Nutritional Deficiency- Deficiency of protein, iron, and zinc in the diet also causes balding.

7.     Environmental factor- Pollution, exposure to intense sun rays and ultraviolet light can also develop baldness.

8.     Infection- Certain group of infection like those caused by a fungus can lead to hair fall.

Eligibility criteria

Hair transplant in Mumbai is a highly advanced treatment for balding advocated by many top-rated dermatologists. However, the candidates often remain doubtful whether they are the right candidate for this technique. It is a critical question, and many patients seek expert guidance from physicians to clear their doubts.

Here are some basic pointers which you should consider before visiting a dermatologist for hair transplant in Mumbai. 

  1. Your skin and hair color should be of comparable tone so that it would be easy to cover the area.
  2. Individuals having thick strands of hair are better candidates for hair transplantation.
  3. Candidates having curly hair find it easy to undergo hair transplant than those having straight hairs.
  4. A flexible scalp is better than rigid ones for hair treatment. The more flexible your scalp is, the easier it is for the surgeons to insert the grafts.
  5. Hair transplant candidates should not suffer from any scalp infection like alopecia. Presence of this condition may lead to failure of the treatment.
  6. Finally, it would help if you remembered that hair transplant in Mumbai is an expensive treatment, as surgeons need to consider the charges of the surgery as well as post-operative follow-up care. Patients may require regular vitamin injections or 'meso' treatments after the transplantation procedure for better results. Therefore, candidates must keep all these aspects in mind before going ahead with the treatment procedure. 

When am I not a good candidate for Hair Transplant?

There are some factors which if present in a candidate may rule out hair transplant in Mumbai.

  1. Diagnosed at stage six or seven of ‘Norwood Scale’ male balding.
  2. Have a scalp infection-alopecia
  3. Possession of rigid scalp
  4. Having too much contrast hair and skin tone. 

Types of Hair Transplant 

Surgery experts have categorized hair transplant surgeries into various groups based on the factors involved in the process. According to methods of harvesting of grafts from the donor sites hair transplant is of two types. 

Strip Harvesting

It is the most widespread form of hair transplantation and is also known as Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS). Here Dermatologists remove a strip of skin from the non-bald area present at the posterior region of the scalp. Usually, doctors cut out 15 to 30 centimeters of scalp area having good hair growth. They close down the cut by applying staples or stitches. After this, surgeons divide the harvested scalp portion into tiny units called grafts. Each section should have only one or a few strands of hair. Then doctors transfer these individual grafts under the compound microscope and separate excessive fatty and fibrous tissues from the hair follicles. Now, surgeons reintroduce the treated grafts to the bald area of the scalp with the help of micro blades and fine needles. After the surgery, patients may have a thin linear scar at the donor site. It gets hidden behind short strands of hair. Patients usually take two weeks for recovery from the surgery. 

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

In FUE hair transplantation surgery, instead of removing an entire strip of skin from the scalp doctors extract multiple singular hair follicles from the donor site. They use micro scalpels and blade along with fine needle to remove the hair by punch incisions. In this way, Dermatologists can extract approximately 2000-3000 grafts at a single session. It is a much-advanced surgery and gives more natural-looking result. Moreover, in the FUE method, there are fewer chances of post-operative infection and discomfort as it is a less invasive process and a large area of the scalp is not harvested in this process. The patients do not develop a scar at the donor site, and therefore, aesthetically, FUE is a much better process. Only small dots remain after the surgery which patients can conveniently cover up with surrounding hair. Doctors can avail the grafts from all over the head, instead of a single site. The healing time is also relatively less than FUSS. However, there are some drawbacks in this method as well. The operation time is long, and it takes about 4-8 hours to complete the entire process. The expenditure for undergoing FUE transplantation in Mumbai is also much more than FUSS. Highly skilled and experienced surgeons can only perform this surgery and keep the follicles stay at the recipient site.

Another classification is on the basis of equipment Used

Hair transplant surgeons also classify the transplantation process into manual and robotic surgeries based on the medical equipment used in the process. 

Preoperative assessment and planning

Before going ahead with hair transplant in Mumbai, candidates must undergo some routine pre-operative check-up and procedures. Detailed below is a list of preoperative guidelines: 

  1. Hair transplant surgeon conducts a thorough physical examination of the patient’s scalp, especially of the donor site.
  2. Discussion of the transplant procedure and the probable outcome along with the risk involved.
  3. Patients should share his medical history and report the occurrence of any prior surgeries.
  4. Doctors prescribe a series of pre-operative routine laboratory tests.
  5. Signing the consent form as it is major dermatological surgery.
  6. Patients who are on blood thinners are recommended to discontinue it a week before the surgery.
  7. Individuals who are habitual smokers or alcoholic must report it to the surgeon and follow their directives before the operation. 

Postoperative guidelines or post-operative care

Similar to pre-operative instructions there are some post-operative measures as well for the best outcome of hair transplant in Mumbai. Candidates are expected to follow the below-mentioned guidelines: 

  1. Regular dressing of the wound with a semi-permeable bandage for allowing drainage of blood and tissue fluid.
  2. Protection from sun rays especially the recipient site.
  3. Regular shampooing of the scalp after two days of the surgery to prevent the development of scabs.
  4. A course of antibiotics and other pain-relieving medicine to avoid post-operative infection and discomfort. 


Since hair transplant in Mumbai is a major surgical procedure, there are chances of human error and post-operative side effects. Detailed below are a few risks involved in the process: 

  1. Infection and excessive bleeding at the donor or recipient site.
  2. Scarring of the scalp due to an unskilled and inexperienced surgeon.
  3. Shock loss or sudden loss of transplanted hair, which re-grows after a specific period.
  4. Infection and inflammation of hair follicles called folliculitis.
  5. Unnatural tufts of hair at the recipient site. 

Alternatives for Hair Transplant

If getting a hair transplant is ruled out for you, then you can try out these alternatives: 

  1. Use of topical medications like Minoxidil available at local pharmacies without prescriptions. It helps in slowing down hair loss.
  2. Wearing wigs or hairpiece to cover bald scalp.
  3. Intake of vitamin E supplement for nourishing hair follicles.
  4. Consumption of over-the-counter oral medicines like Finasteride.
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