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Hair Sure Hair Transplant Centre
1 Plastic Surgeon
Precision Transplants, Lasting Confidence at Hair Sure
1. What is the success rate of hair transplants?
The success rate of a hair transplant ranges anywhere between 90 to 95%. This indicates that the hair transplanted from the donor site to the recipient site should last for a long time. The success rate depends on several factors, including graft acceptance, eligibility for undergoing a hair transplant procedure, post-hair transplant care, and experience of the team doing the procedure.
2. Is hair transplant painful?
No, hair transplant is not a painful procedure. With the help of local anaesthesia and post-operative pain medicines, hair transplant procedures are now less painful. No surgery can be entirely painless; there may be some form of pain and discomfort during and after the surgery. The discomfort and pain post-surgery may last for about 48 to 72 hours. You may also feel a tightness in your scalp.
3. How long does a hair transplant surgery take?
Hair transplant surgery may take anywhere between 4 to 8 hours. Depending on the amount of hair being transplanted, you may need to undergo the procedure for a longer time or on two different days. You will be awake during the entire procedure, and only a local anaesthesia will be administered to make the scalp numb.
4. How does a hair transplant progress?
After undergoing a hair transplant surgery, you will observe 10 to 20% hair growth in the next 3-4 months and about 50% of hair growth after 6 months. Within 8-9 months, you will be able to see 80% of hair growth. You must also know that the transplanted hair will fall out between 2 to 8 weeks after the hair transplant surgery. In some cases, you may observe results 12 months after the hair transplant procedure.
5. What are the different phases of a hair transplant procedure?
The different phases of a hair transplant procedure are as follows:
1. Preparation
The hair follicles are harvested and removed from the back of the head. These follicles are relocated to the bald spots.
2. Donor area
The donor area is trimmed and prepped before the hair transplant surgery. The tissue from the donor area is removed surgically. This area is then sutured and covered with the patient’s hair over them. The sutures are removed after 10 days.
3. Graft preservation
The donor graft is preserved for implantation. The donor tissue and the hair are submerged into an active plasma solution and kept refrigerated until implantation.
4. Bald area implantation
The donor tissue is prepared, and the grafts are implanted into the recipient’s bald areas.
5. Post-operative care
Follow correct aftercare post your surgery. Wash your graft areas carefully, protect them from sunlight, and avoid excessive rubbing.
Name | Recommended By | Review Count | Years of Experience | Fee |
Dr. Ravindranath | 100% | 1 | 20 | 800 |
Dr. Sridhar Reddy B | 96% | 276 | 19 | 700 |
Dr. Shashikanth | 99% | 411 | 20 | 700 |
Dr. Venu Kumari | 86% | 2588 | 20 | 600 |
Dr. Saguna Puttoo | 93% | 294 | 27 | 800 |
Dr. Madhavi Pudi | 91% | 1680 | 18 | 900 |
Dr. Ravichander Rao A | 100% | 107 | 25 | 800 |
Dr. Harikiran Chekuri | 96% | 1513 | 19 | 1500 |
Dr. Meghana Komsani | 98% | 230 | 21 | 900 |
Dr. Sruthi Gondi | 92% | 505 | 15 | 900 |
What is Hair Transplant surgery?
Hair transplant may be described as a surgical method which involves removal of hair follicles from one part of the body where hair is abundant and planting the follicles onto a balding patch of the body. The site from which the follicles are extracted is called the donor site. The part of the body where the extracted follicles are transplanted is called the recipient site. Hair transplant in Hyderabad is performed in many reputed clinics across the city.
What are the causes of male pattern baldness?
Although baldness affects both men and women, men are more likely to develop baldness when compared with women. The main causes of male pattern baldness are:
What are the types of Hair Transplant surgeries?
Hair transplant in Hyderabad is classified into different types based on the method of harvesting the donor area and the type of equipment used for the surgery. Strip harvesting and follicular unit extraction (FUE) are the two types of hair transplant surgeries based on the way in which the donor area is harvested. Manual and robotic are another classification of hair transplant surgeries based on the type of equipment used.
What are the side-effects of Hair Transplantation?
The side-effects of hair transplant in Hyderabad vary with each person. However, some of the common side effects of the surgery include:
Is Hair Transplant permanent?
The hair that grows after hair transplant is permanent. However, the transplanted area needs to be routinely checked by a qualified surgeon for a specified time span.
What is the cost of Hair Transplant?
The exact cost of hair transplant in Hyderabad varies with each person depending on the extent and cause of baldness and other related factors, some of which are mentioned below:
The average cost of hair transplant in Hyderabad may cost anything from INR 5000 to INR 2, 65,000.
If you go by the price of grafts, the cost ranges between INR 20 to INR 120 rupees per graft.
The cost of grafts varies with the expertise of the surgeon, repute of the center, and technology used for transplant.
Dermatologists recommend hair transplant in Hyderabad when individuals experience balding or hair recession or thinning in specific areas of the scalp. It is also considered by those who wish to improve their external appearances by re-growing a strong and vibrant hairline. The importance attached to a thick and strong hairline is evident from the success of many shampoo commercials where a popular movie star endorses the brand and common people buy the same in order to get the same kind of hair. Undergoing hair transplantation often helps one to regain his/her vitality and improves self-confidence.
The classification of baldness pattern is done based on various criteria. The most common classification criterion is the Norwood scale pattern, which divides the balding pattern into seven stages.
Stage 1:
At this stage, thinning of hair begins at the temples and there is a slight recession of the hairline. However, these changes are very subtle and only a trained person can notice them.\
Stage 2:
As balding progresses to the second stage, the thinning of the hair near the temples increases and moves inwards. At this stage, the pattern of balding is often described as an M-shaped hairline. This is a very common occurrence in males.
Stage 3:
As the balding escalates to stage 3, the receding of hair at the temples is more prominent. The recession increases so much that there is very little or no hair at the temporal regions. The hairline on the top of the head also becomes thinner. The balding on the scalp becomes more prominent causing the top of the head to be more visible. It is during this stage that most people notice balding patches.
Stage 4:
This stage is considered to be an advanced stage of balding, where indications are very prominent and noticeable to the naked human eye. The crown of the head experiences significant thinning of hair and there is loss of large patches of hair.
Stage 5:
The telling sign of this stage of balding is the formation of a horseshoe-shaped hairline. This stage indicates severe hair loss that cannot be treated easily.
Stage 6:
At this stage, a large portion of hair is lost and a major recession of the hairline. The amount of hair that covers the crown portion is minimal.
Stage 7:
This stage is also referred to as complete baldness. The other names of this stage are classic horseshoe and cul-de-sac pattern. The crown portion is completely bald at this stage. Unless treated immediately, the chances of recovering from this stage are bleak. Most surgeons evaluating patients at stage 7 of balding recommend hair transplant surgery.
Here are some of the main causes of male balding pattern:
Patients who are under medication for the treatment of medical conditions may also experience balding and thinning of hair as a side effect of the medicine.
Most people with baldness contemplate on the effectiveness and suitability of hair transplant. The success of the hair transplant and their eligibility for surgery are to be considered before making a decision. The decision to undergo hair transplant is taken based on personal opinions and medical advice from expert surgeons.
Here are a few basic criteria to bear in mind while discussing hair transplant in Hyderabad with the doctor:
Meeting one or more of the below conditions may render a person not eligible for hair transplant.
The hair transplant surgery may be classified based on the harvesting of the donor area or based on the type of equipment used for surgery.
Classification based on the harvesting of the donor area is strip harvesting and follicular unit extraction.
Strip Harvesting
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
The post-operative discomfort and the scarring are minimal in the FUE method. The disadvantages of FUE are the lengthy surgical time due to the harvest of 3000 grafts, higher surgical expense, and the requirement of a highly skilled surgeon.
Classification of hair transplant based on equipment used is manual and robotic. In the former, manual effort is more during surgery, while in the latter surgery is performed through robotic techniques.
The routine preoperative guidelines followed by doctors before Hair transplant in Hyderabad are:
The guidelines for post-operative care include:
Likely side-effects of hair transplant in Hyderabad include: