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How much does Arthroscopy cost in Gurgaon?

The cost of Arthroscopy depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 73,037 to Rs. 1,13,315 in Gurgaon.

  • Minimum cost of Arthroscopy in Gurgaon starts from Rs.73,037
  • Average price of Arthroscopy in Gurgaon is approximately Rs.92,953
  • Maximum expenses for Arthroscopy in Gurgaon is up to Rs.1,13,315
Get Cost Estimate from top Hospitals:

13 doctors available in Gurgaon

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Delhi Pain Management Centre

Delhi Pain Management Centre

18 - 47 years experience
Gurgaon Sector 51
₹1100Consultation Fees
94%741 Patient Stories

Dr. Himanshu Gupta

17 years experience overall

Dr. Prabjit Singh Gill

34 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Himanshu sharma

16 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Jatinder Bir Singh Jaggi

24 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic
Impact Physio And Sports Rehab Hub

Impact Physio And Sports Rehab Hub

4 Orthopedist
9 - 20 years experience
Sushant Lok I
₹800 - ₹1200Consultation Fees
97%1145 Patient Stories

Dr. Anubhav Gulati

28 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Ankit Bhartia

16 years experience overall

Dr. Prince Gupta

17 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Karan Baveja

11 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Rajesh Thiyam

15 years experience overall
1200 Consultation fee at clinic
Know more about Arthroscopy

Dr. Hemant Sharma

29 years experience overall
1600 Consultation fee at clinic


How Much Does Arthroscopies Cost In Gurgaon

Average Ratings
 (718 Reviews & Ratings)

Why does Arthroscopy cost vary for different patients?

The amount to be paid for Arthroscopy in Gurgaon differs from one patient to another due to the following reasons and they are:

  • Age of the patient
  • Admission fee
  • Admission room that you opted for
  • Doctor fee
  • Type of Arthroscopic surgery
  • Post-surgical complications that are involved
  • The medical condition of the patient

What is the cost of different components of Arthroscopy in Gurgaon?

Charges for Arthroscopy includes multiple factors like Pre-surgery cost, surgery cost, Post-surgery cost, medical cost, and daycare [stay in the hospital], etc.

Expenses including particular factors for Arthroscopy in Gurgaon is the following:

  • Pre-surgery cost:- Rs.4,000 to 5,000 [Ortho profile:-X-Ray, Blood test]
  • Surgery cost:- Rs.85,000 - Rs.1,00,000
  • Surgeon consultation:-Rs.600 [for one consultation]
  • Medicine cost:- Rs.500
  • Daycare cost:- Rs.3,000

How much is the cost of treatments related to Arthroscopy in Gurgaon?

Estimates for different types of Arthroscopy are the following:

  1. Approximate price of Shoulder Arthroscopy in Gurgaon:- Rs.65,000 to Rs.88,500
  2. Approximate cost of Knee Arthroscopy in Gurgaon:- Rs.41,000 to Rs.71,000
  3. Approximate amount of Hip Arthroscopy in Gurgaon:- Rs.72,000
  4. Approximate charges of Elbow Arthroscopy in Gurgaon:- Rs.60,000 to Rs.70,000