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How much does Liver Transplant cost in Delhi?

The cost of Liver Transplant depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 18,00,000 to Rs. 31,29,840 in Delhi.

  • Minimum amount to be paid in Delhi starts from Rs.18,00,000
  • Average charges is approximately Rs.22,81,149
  • Maximum price in Delhi is up to Rs.31,29,840
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Delhi Digestive Centre

Delhi Digestive Centre

14 years experience
Karol Bagh
₹1000Consultation Fees
100%1 Patient Stories

Dr. Amrish Sahney

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Liver Transplant

How Much Does Liver Transplants Cost In Delhi

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Why does Liver Transplant cost vary for different patients?

Expenses for Liver Transplant in Delhi changes from an individual to individual due to the following reasons:

  • Admission room that you opted for
  • Surgeon fee
  • Medical condition of the patient
  • Type of the hospital
  • Health condition of the donor
  • Relationship to the liver donor

What is the cost of different components of Liver Transplant in Delhi?

Cost of Liver Transplant in Delhi consists several components such as Pre-surgery cost, surgery cost, Post-surgery cost, donor registration cost, and daycare [stay in the hospital], etc.

Price for each component of Liver Transplant procedure in Delhi is the following:

  • Donor registration:- Rs.15,000
  • Pre-Surgery cost [Screening test to ensure donor match]:- Rs. 1,00,000 - Rs.1,50,000
  • Surgery cost including Donor liver resection and liver transplant to the patient:- Rs.17,85,000 - Rs.19,95,000
  • Post-Surgery cost [depends on follow up sessions]:- Rs.2000 per session
  • Medicine cost may range from Rs.50,000 to Rs.55,000
  • Immunosuppressant injections may cost:- Rs.1,00,000 to Rs. 1,50,000 (Only if required)
  • Stay duration: Patient-ICU for 5-7 days [30,000-42,000] and in room 10-15 days [40,000-60,000]
  • Stay duration Donor-ICU for 1-2 days [6,000-12,000] and in room 4-5 days [16,000-20,000]