Trying to conceive
We are trying to conceive our first baby nowadays. However i am afraid that my partner ejaculates really soon and i am not sure of this could be a problem or cause delay in conceiving. We have been trying for 3-4 months but negative. What precautions can we take to conceive faster? I also keep track of my fertile days. Thanks.
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Useful Tips to get pregnant fast: Maybe you're just really eager to get pregnant, or maybe you want your baby's birth to happen at a specific time. Please note that you can not predict a time frame and sometimes it takes time to conceive. Have patience and here are some tips which can help: Tip #1: The biggest secret to getting pregnant faster is knowing when you ovulate (release an egg from your ovary). Think of the egg as a bull's-eye and the sperm as arrows. One of the arrows has to hit the bull's-eye in order for you to get pregnant. If you notice that you have irregular periods over the course of several months, pinpointing ovulation could be difficult. Ask your doctor for advice. Tip #2: Once you know when your egg will be released from your ovary, you can plan to have sex during your most fertile days: from three days before ovulation through the day of ovulation. (Starting a little sooner can't hurt; some women have gotten pregnant from sex that happened six days before they ovulated.) If you have a regular cycle of 28 days, days 12 to 16 days are said to be a woman's most fertile period counting from the first day of cycle. Tip #3: Sperm have their best shot at fertilizing an egg when they're healthy, strong, and plentiful. Several things can help your partner get his sperm supply in fighting shape: - Cut back on alcohol (studies show that drinking daily can reduce testosterone levels and sperm counts and raise the number of abnormal sperm) - Quit tobacco and recreational drugs (these can cause poor sperm function) - Eat enough of certain key nutrients – like zinc, folic acid, calcium, and vitamins C and D – that help create plentiful, strong, wiggly sperm - Avoid hot tubs, saunas, and hot baths, since heat kills sperm.
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Trying to conceive second baby Ovulation symptoms trying conceive
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