Tibia fibula fracture
I met with accident & got tibia fibula fracture in 2013 A0 od has been inserted Its been 3 years noe in recent xray ,its joined pl let me know when to remove the rod
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Hello there...well the orthopaedic implants are made of high grade titanium material which are absolutely safe for the body in long run.... implants like rod,plate,screws can be removed when there is risk of infection or if any implant is protruding out (like screws at elbow etc)....also to remove a implant requires the same skill and orthopaedic OT set up like the one used when putting the implant. However the best person to advice you regarding this would be the orthopaedic surgeon who operated on you 3 years back. Regards,Take care.
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Fibula stress fracture
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