Neurological issues
I've been suffering from tremors in my hands, which affects finer motor functions like typing, writing, etc. My extremities distinctly tingle with the sensation of pricks and pokes, with a feeling of stiffness pervading my very being. My sense of balance is compromised, causing me to falter whilst climbing stairs. My left eye aches frequently, with the pain seeking to emanate from inside the iris. I'm unable to tolerate heat in any situation, with summers being unbearable. I'm Constantly fatigued, even though I used to be very active. There's been a distinct lack of motivation and despondency at most times. Bending my neck forwards caused a distinct shooting sensation of pain. My teeth also seem to chatter & grind, Especially at night. Taking vitamin b complex does help at times, but there are prolonged periods where it doesn't seem to do much. Any suggestions?
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Hello.. We need to examine you and see the involuntary movements which you are talking about... I also want to know detailed personal history and habits and about any other medications you are on...I suggest you to consult a physician first.. Get yourself examined and then on the basis of requirement you may be referred to a specialist
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