I was admitted to the hospital for four days till day before, I was anemic and there was a defeciency of
vitamin b12 , and I was suffering from diarrhea where in twice black stool came with with sour odur, Dr admitted me and done colonoscopy, endoscopy UGI etc but nothing was found after four days I got discharged and Dr gave me ten injections of trineurosol HP to be injected daily for ten days. A new problem occurred now, after every meal I take I have to rush to the toilet after an hour or so and it is four to five times a day. And it's happening from last 3 days.
Is it a water problem ??
Or my colon was emptied fully due to pegleg powder and now I can't eat normal Diet ??
The motions are normal like solid and semi solid but I have to go four to five times
Is it due to the injections? ?
Pls suggest