Learning issue
My son is 13 years old. Slow learner in studies and average student. He sit for hours in front of subject books but result is not that good. He has good habbit of reading books.But i feel he is not that fluent in English. He can swim and solve cubes. Always like to watch Tv or movies. How can i support my child in bringing up of his studies. Please suggest.
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Hi, It sounds like your child might have ADHD as his slow learning could be due to the result of poor concentration. Do not be worried about his IQ because as you described, he is able to solve blocks puzzles. Often children with this issue find it very easy to focus on television or activities which they find interesting. Even when it comes to subjectives they will be selective hence, they would be slow in the ones which they find it boring. Symptoms of ADHD are poor concentrations and attention span, easily bored, incomplete work, bad hand writing, impulsive, nail biting and behavioral issues liked stubbornness. There are many articles on the internet on this topic. I would suggest you to consult a child psychiatrist/ child psychologist for specific treatment. This is absolutely curable.
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