Dear sir , I have undergone
Kidney Transplantation in 2008 ,everything is good for four years.After that it got rejected and i lost my transplanted kidney.
I am on dialysis since 2011. Planning for second Kidney Transplantation.I have registered in jeevandan and i got 2 chances but positive result came in cross matching.
Recently one of my relative came for donate and i went for cross match , aagain positive result came. My doctor told me that,there are lot of Anti-Bodies in my blood that's why am getting positive result in cross matching.And also he told there is no medicine for remove/
control the Anti Bodies.My Doctor suggested will wait for 6 months and go for Cross Match again.My questions are as follows
1) Can i expect "Negative" result in Cross Match after 6 months.
2) If i get positive result in Cross Match then i go for Transplantation.Is it successful ?
Things are confused..please suggest.