Heavy bleeding
I have tried many doctors but yet not got answer fr my problem. It almost 3-4 Yrs my periods are irregular and many times for 1 Or 1/2 Months which makes me restless and weak. I want a permantent solution for this problem and was to get its root . Plz if any doctor can help me
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For permanent solution there's only one answer-Ayurveda. If ur periods r irregular there must be hormonal imbalance in ur body which causes heavy bleeding, that must be corrected first along with that there must be some other symptoms also related to pitta dosha in ur body, for that detail history has to be taken. U must also go for a ultrasound first for clear history, there can be many reasons associated, as these symptoms r common In PCOD, Uterine fibroids, uterine infections ...... ... Go for ayurveda as it treats the cause
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