Burning in Scrotum
Dear Sir/ man I'm feeling burning sensation in Scrotum, which is not continuous but after driving more than 30 minutes or sitting continuously for some time I feel burning. I also consulted with dermatologist, he prescribed HH Zole ointments but after using one week it's not so effective. Requested you kindly help.
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Many treatments may have already been tried before the correct diagnosis is made. Unfortunately, no treatment works all the time, every time. General measures for an oversensitive genital area may include: Replace soap with non soap cleanser. Wear loose-fitting, cool underwear (e.g. boxer shorts). Don’t use antiseptic washes, wipes or deodorants in the genital region (penis, scrotum) or around the anus. Apply low-irritancy moisturizer cream after showering to the genital region and whole body (e.g. non-ionic cream or sorbolene cream) Stop all other creams, especially corticosteroid; steroid creams are prescribed for dermatitis or eczema, and they are usually effective for this within a few days. They are ineffective for genital dysaesthesia, and when used for prolonged periods they may make redness and burning sensation worse. Cold compresses may be temporarily soothing, such as a face flannel moistened with cool or cold water and placed on the penis and/or scrotum.
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