Bilirubin Levels are incr
I had bilirubin level 2.27, 40 days back and Doctor prescribed Udiliv 300mg for 10 days. At that time all HAV,HCV,HBs,HCV tests negative. After taking medicine for a week , when I got the LFT done on 5th Sep 2016 , the level was reduced to 1.4 and I continued medicine till 8 September 2016.I have been on strict diet also. on Sep 18th, I got the LFT done again to make sure the levels would be normal. But to my surprise, the level raised to 2.6, remaining all normal (SGOT,SGPT, Protine Level etc). And I got LFT done again on 4th Oct 2016 , the bilirubin level increased to 2.83 to my surprise.What Could be cause of this. I attached both the reports
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I see you are young. After ruling out viral infections, autoimmune disorders, familial conditions, etc are the next common causes. I advise you not to worry excessively about the small rise in bilirubin levels. Many people with liver disorders will live with symptoms or issues with bili levels of 15 & above for many years. Thanks to the highest regenerative capacity of liver. Adopt a healthy lifestyle and check bili levels once in 6 months. If rising beyond 4-5, consult a good family physician or a gastroenterologist. Udiliv only helps in cases of obstruction, I feel your case is different since GGT and Alk Phos were normal.
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Normal bilirubin level Bilirubin levels in adults Causes of increased bilirubin
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