Auto immune disease
I have AnkylosingSpondilytis from 4 years.My rheumatologist say it is auto immune disease.i also have chronic prostatis from6 urologist say it is a lifestyle disease.i also have frequent pharingitis in my throat.and cold.cough...i think i have immune deficiency...isn't it possible to permanently cure these deseases with such foods that increase antibodies and kills those antigen responsible for is ok to have medicines for very long period i m having as prescribed by doctors but is there any permanent natural way of treating these to remove cause of these deceases...if anybody knows about exact cause and exact cure...pls help
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Ankylosing spondylitis is a problem which can't be cured with need to follow active lifestyle which involves activities like swimming , brisk walking , regular back , neck exercises, stretchings .. Go for deep breathing exercises that will also help you to increase your immunity as well as your respiratory muscles.
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Symptoms of auto immune disorders How to increase the immunity of the body Suppress immune system autoimmune disease
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